How to Quickly Lose Weight In Your Arms
Begin a cardiovascular workout program. If you want to lose excess weight in your arms, the first step is to burn through the fat by running, bicycling or by engaging in any physical activity that raises your heart rate. Try to break a sweat for at least 45 minutes each day. Wear long sleeves to create a thermogenic effect while exercising. This will encourage rapid weight loss in your arms.
Lift weights. Incorporate weights into your fitness regime. If your goal is to slim down then stick with lighter weights. Lifting heavier weights will help to tone your arms but it may leave your arms a bit bulky. Try weight-baring exercises like lunges and squats while holding weights. You will unveil slimmer, more fit looking arms in no time.
Reduce your sugar intake. Consuming sugar can reap havoc on your arms. If you desire slimmer, leaner arms limit your intake of carbs, white flour and sugar. Focus on eating green, leafy vegetables and fruits as these healthy foods will promote weight loss and help you to reach your fitness goals of having stronger, leaner, flab-free arms.