How to Increase Fat-Burning Enzymes
Things You'll Need
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Aerobic Exercise
Engage in at least 30 minutes of daily aerobic exercise to keep your metabolism stoked. The American Council on Exercise recommends at least 45 minutes of daily aerobic exercise if your goal is to lose weight.
Choose the aerobic activity you plan to do for the day. It can be a sport such as racquetball, or a hobby such as hiking or dancing. Or, choose to go jogging or workout on an elliptical machine. Whatever activity you choose, just remember that the point is to engage in something that will get your heart rate up for an extended period of time.
Begin your workout with a few gentle stretches to warm up your muscles. Segue from your warm-up into your actual aerobic activity.
Pick up the pace of your movements until you reach a tempo where you’re only able to talk between short breaths. This is an indication that your heart is now beating at a rate that falls within your aerobic zone.
Mark the moment you enter into your aerobic zone as the beginning of your workout. Periodically increase the intensity of your workout to a pace that really makes you winded, but do not allow your tempo to fall below your established aerobic zone pace for at least 12 minutes because it takes at least 12 minutes of true aerobic activity for your body to fire up your fat-burning enzymes.
Building Muscle
Establish a regular resistance training routine. Do exercises that work your upper body muscle groups one day, your core muscles the following day, and your lower body muscle groups the day after that. Keep repeating this cycle, and perform as many reps of each exercise as you can execute in good form before your muscles begin to tire. Rest for one to two minutes, then move on to the next exercise in your day’s routine.
Determine how many grams of protein you need each day in order to build muscle by using the following formula: Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2; multiply the result by .8; and add 14 to the above product.
Eat or drink a protein-rich snack immediately following your resistance workout. Be sure to meet your daily protein requirement every day, as established in Step 2.