How to Do a Fat Belly Diet
Cut out the beer, soda, and everything else that is not plain, pure water. Liquid calories are empty calories, and there's no room for empty calories in a fat belly diet.
Lower your sodium intake. Hold the salt, use flavoring sauces sparingly, and start cooking your own food. Fat belly diets will only work if you cut out the sodium that contributes to belly fat and bloating.
Eat fruits and veggies, and lots of them. The fat belly diet is a healthy one that requires fresh foods, so start aiming to eat your daily dietary requirements for fruits and vegetables.
Lower your caloric intake to speed up the effects of the fat belly diet. Daily intake will depend on body weight, age, sex, activity level, and other various factors; see your doctor for a healthy suggested caloric intake.
Start moving; walking, running, swimming whatever your body will allow. Movement is key to a fat belly diet. Add exercise to your fat belly diet changes and you'll lose belly fat fast.