Nasal Spray for Weight Loss & Appetite
While there is a new form of weight-loss nasal sprays in development, designed to send a hormonal signal to one's brain in order to control appetite, this form of spray is not currently available, pending clinical research and approval.
How Nasal Sprays Help with Weight Loss
Often, it is not a physical craving in our stomach, but the sight, smell and taste of foods that drive us to make unhealthy choices and/or overeat.
Nasal sprays for weight loss are designed to take the allure out of both smell and taste, helping dieters to more easily avoid high-calorie foods and more easily listen for hunger cues before eating.
How to Use Nasal Spray
When you are faced with a food craving, use two squirts of nasal spray in each nostril. The smell and taste of the nasal spray will help to quench cravings for snacks and allow you to wait until the next appropriate mealtime before eating.
Where to Purchase Nasal Spray
Weight-loss nasal sprays that control taste and smell are available in many vitamin supplement stores and also through a number of online vendors.
Be sure to research the products' ingredients to ensure you do not have allergies to any of the ingredients.
Check with your physician before using any weight control substances.