Problem Foods for Lap Band Patients
Foods that are high in sugar increase the amount of calories you take in but provide little nutritional value. Avoid sugary treats such as jellies, jams, cakes, cookies and candies if you have had Lap-Band surgery. Satisfy your cravings for sweets with a serving of fruit, such as a banana.
It may seem unusual to avoid fruits but there are fruits that you should not eat after Lap-Band surgery. Dried fruits are high in sugar and are tough for your stomach to digest. Avoid fruits with skin such, as grapes and apples, as well. Canned fruits are acceptable, but don't eat them if they are in syrup or sauces or have added sugar.
We're always told to eat our vegetables, but after Lap-Band surgery, you will want to avoid those vegetables with tough skins. Stay away from asparagus, celery, corn, rhubarb and sweet potatoes. These foods are very fibrous and may get stuck in the Lap-Band opening.
Avoid all tough or fatty meats such as steak, hamburger, sausage, bacon and pork chops. There are some Lap-Band patients who cannot tolerate red meat at all. Don't prepare meats by breading and frying them in fat. Broil or bake lean cuts of beef or pork.
Avoid whole milk, 2 percent milk, chocolate milk and sweetened condensed milk. Choose yogurt, ice creams and cheeses that are low-fat or fat-free.
Don't eat chocolate, potato chips, pies, pastries or cream soups and cream sauces. Limit fats such as butter to 3 or 4 tsps. a day.
Drinking carbonated beverages such as soda, champagne or even carbonated water may cause you pain and allow your stomach pouch to expand. Don't drink orange juice, apple juice or other fruit juices, beer or milkshakes.
Avoid doughy soft breads, sweet breads, danishes, doughnuts and breads with seeds or nuts in them. Don't eat foods with white flour such as pastas and rice. Stay away from instant noodle dishes, noodle soups and potato skins.
Fried salty snack foods, popcorn, nuts, very spicy food, chewing gum and seeded fruits may all cause problems if eaten. Avoid all foods that are difficult to chew or can't be easily swallowed.