Can Acai Be Harmful?
If you are allergic to different types of berries, then you should not consume acai berries as they may cause your body to experience an allergic reaction, according to WebMD.
Some people report addiction to acai berry weight-loss supplements. However, the acai berry alone does not cause this problem. On the contrary, caffeine used in these supplements is found to cause addiction.
Frequent Use of Restroom
Laxatives like the senna leaf, when used with the acai berry, may cause bowel problems if discontinued. Again, the acai berry by itself is not responsible for this condition.
Loss of Appetite
You may experience a loss of appetite due to frequent consumption of the acai berry.
Recommended Dosage
The recommended dosage varies from product to product, according to Supreme Health. Two to four acai capsules, 2 tbsp. of the liquid extract, or 1 to 2 cups of acai tea may be used.