Clay for Weight Loss
The importance of specific eating clays for medicinal purposes has been recently recognized in the Western countries. Some of the benefits of eating clay include improvement of overall functioning of digestion system, which means relief from constipation, frequent bowel movement and diarrhea. Moreover, it also leads to increased physical energy and stamina and stronger immune system.In addition to all this, eating clay is largely used for decreasing appetite, which makes it an excellent tool for weight loss.
Bentonite Clay
Bentonite Clay is the most common form of clay that is used for therapeutic purposes and weight loss. The actual mineral is called “montmorillonite” and Bentonite Clay is just a commercial name given to the medicinal mineral. Upon consuming bentonite in liquid form, it instantly absorbs the water present in the stomach and swells, enlarging like a highly absorbent sponge. Eating clay before a meal is known to show effective results as the swelled clay inside the stomach will give you a feeling of fullness, thereby, effectively reducing appetite and preventing overeating.
Dosage of Eating Clay
Liquid bentonite is the most popular form of clay for weight loss programs. The best time to consume it is right before taking your meal. If you cannot do that for some reason, you can eat it an hour before having your meal. You can start by taking 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay every day. It is recommended that you mix it in a juice or apple sauce for easy consumption. You can closely monitor the results for at least a week after which, you can gradually increase the dose. However, do not consume more than four tablespoons a day; and it should be divided into different doses before different meals.
Important Note
Even though eating clay is very helpful for controlling your appetite and improving the overall health of body, it is not recommended for everyone. As clay absorbs the water from digestive system, some people might experience constipation. For that reason, it is usually consumed with a good source of fiber. Moreover, make sure you do not eat it at least two hours before or after taking any medication or food supplement because that can interfere with the water absorption.