Exercise Programs for Body Toning & Weight Loss
Exercise Programs
Exercise programs will range from light to strenuous and the amount you do should be based on your overall physical condition and what your goals are. Keep in mind that doctors consider losing one to two pounds per week to be a healthy amount to lose and you should not try to exceed this rate.
When you begin an exercise program, look for ways to gradually increase the amount of physical activity you participate in. Finding ways to incorporate additional walking into your day is one of the most effective ways to burn more calories without noticing it.
If you suffer from joint pain, consider joining a water-based exercise class like water aerobics, swimming or strength training in the pool. The water provides additional resistance while alleviating some of the pressure and jarring actions on your joints.
Aerobic or Strength Training?
You may wonder which is better for weight loss—aerobic exercise or strength training? The answer is neither; they are means to the same end. Strength training increases muscle tone and builds muscle. Aerobic exercise strengthens your heart and burns calories. Strength training also helps build strong bones, reduces your risk of injury, helps you sleep better at night and can even boost your stamina. While the immediate assumption is that burning calories is your optimal goal, so aerobic training must be better, muscle burns more calories than fat—so the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn even when you’re not moving around.
Set Goals
Get a pedometer to count your steps throughout the day, and set a goal that is manageable for you. Typically, 10,000 steps equals five miles, so start small with a 2,000-step goal, and add 500 steps per week until you reach 10,000 steps daily.
Plan to exercise at least 30 minutes daily, five days per week. If you cannot find a 30-minute block to exercise, break it up into three 10-minute sessions. Work up to 60 minutes and eventually 90 minutes daily. The main factor to remember is to enjoy yourself and never push yourself too hard without direct professional supervision.