Weight Lost Encouragement Tips
Think Positively
Some people who are overweight make the mistake of thinking negatively when it comes to their weight. It's important think positively when it comes to weight loss and think about how great you'll feel about how you look when you lose the weight. Don't make the mistake of getting depressed about how overweight you are because this may result in you consuming even more food. Focus on filling your life with joy and avoid eating out of sadness. By losing weight you won't only feel great about how you look, but you'll also have peace of mind knowing that you've become a healthier person.
Create Weight Loss Goals
Creating weight loss goals is one of the most valuable weight loss encouragement tips out there. Having clear goals along with when you want to achieve those goals is an important part of weight loss. You should set a goal such as losing 10lbs. in five months. After you set your weight loss goal, track your weight from week to week to see if you're on track to meet that goal. You can give yourself a non-food reward for meeting a weight loss goal, such as treating yourself to a week long vacation.
Be Patient
Weight loss is a long process and does not happen overnight. This tip is perhaps the most important. You need to be patient with your weight loss goals and keep your end goal in sight at all times if you want to be successful. The Weight Control Information Network explains that losing no more than 2lbs. per week is considered safe weight loss. Just remember, if you lose a little bit of weight each week, you will eventually reach your goal.
Inspirational Weight Loss Quotes
Inspirational weight loss quotes are an excellent way to encourage yourself to lose weight. Catherine L. Taylor writes "Permanent weight loss begins with the acknowledgment that you want more out of life. You must decide that you are deserving of more happiness, more joy and more peace. You want to return to the aliveness that you were born with." To view more inspirational weight loss quotes from Catherine, visit her weight loss blog by visiting the link in the Resource box.
Eat Smart, Eat Healthier
Focus on eating healthier and not just on the number of calories that you're consuming on a daily basis. You may want to trade complex carbs for simple carbs in your diet. It's a better idea to eat complex carbs such as pasta instead of simple carbs such as soda because complex carbs will provide you with long lasting energy and will prevent you from overeating. You might also try eating foods that are high in fiber such as vegetables because high fiber meals provide a feeling of fullness which will prevent overeating.
Exercising daily is a great way to reach your weight loss goals faster. The Journal of Nutrition explains that exercises that result in an elevated heart rate result in a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean muscle mass. Try exercising at least 30 minutes per day if you want to lose weight while building muscle at the same time. Swimming, biking, jogging and walking are examples of exercises you can try to lose weight.