Cassia Tea for Weight Loss
Cassia teas are often labeled by the manufacturer simply as “weight loss,” “slimming” or “dieter’s” tea. The cassia seeds may be blended with tea leaves including, but not limited to, oolong, green or black varietals. Other ingredients may also have been added.
How It Works
Tea made with cassia seeds may promote to help weight loss or prevent bloating in the stomach because it naturally helps relieve constipation. This is because of its diuretic effect and ability to relax the bowels during the digestive process.
Antioxidant Benefit
Cassia tea may further benefit your health by increasing the amounts of antioxidants to your body, which play an important role in reducing damage done by free radicals such as pollution, chemical inhalation and cigarette smoke. Your body’s uptake of antioxidants will decrease your chances of getting a cold or virus, which may hinder your weight loss regime if you are fatigued or bedridden.
Weight Loss
Drinking any kind of tea may aid in weight loss, as consuming any liquid, especially after meals, helps one to feel fuller longer. Cassia tea also encompasses the bittersweet flavors of grapefruit and lemon, which have been long used as appetite suppressants.
Although consuming teas containing cassia may aid in weight loss, it is important not to overlook other habits that are extremely beneficial toward weight loss, including regular exercise, a hearty but healthy diet and adequate amounts of sleep.
Manufacturers of certain teas, supplements and other “wonder foods” will continue to make claims pertaining to what their products can do for weight loss, but ultimately one will not lose weight unless more calories are burned through physical activity than are taken in through food on daily basis.
Buyer Beware
There are several warnings to consider before using a tea weight loss product. Most weight loss products on the market are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. When consuming any form of weight loss tea, don’t overdo it, especially at first. If the tea has an overly laxative effect, you may find yourself suffering from uncomfortable stomach cramps and visiting the bathroom often. (Some people may be more sensitive to these effects than others.) People already experiencing loose stools should not drink these teas as they may become severely dehydrated. Read all directions on the box before consuming the product. If there are none, consult your doctor before using this tea for weight loss.