How to Burn Belly Fat Without Crunches

The crunch is the exercise of choice when it comes to strengthening and toning the midsection. Although the crunch has adapted many variations in recent years, it remains a rather tedious and challenging exercise. This article will provide you with information on alternative methods to increase strength in your abdominal muscles and introduce you to three new exercises that will help you burn belly fat and slim your waistline.

Things You'll Need

  • Barbell with Weight Plates
  • Flat Bench
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  1. Burning Belly Fat without Crunches

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      Seated Barbell Twist
      To begin this exercise, you will need an Olympic-style barbell and a flat bench. Sit at the end of the flat bench with the barbell comfortably placed on top of your thighs. Position your feet a shoulder width apart from each other and grip the barbell with your palms facing down. Raise the barbell over your head and then lower it behind your head to rest the bar on your shoulders. Proceed to move your waist from side to side while maintaining your feet and head in a stationary position. Your outer abdominal muscles (oblique muscles) should immediately feel the contraction. Avoid extending the stretch too far by executing the movement in a slow, controlled motion. You should perform this exercise with an equal amount of repetitions on each side. About three sets of 10 repetitions should complete this exercise.

    • 2

      Barbell Abdominal Rollout Exercise
      To perform this exercise, you'll need to assume the push-up position. Instead of placing your hands on the floor, you will be positioning yourself on a Olympic-style barbell loaded with about 20 pounds on each side. Begin your exercise from this position. Keep a slight arch on your back while lifting your hips and roll the barbell inward towards your feet. Raise your glutes towards the ceiling with each contraction. Be sure to keep your abdominal muscles tight at the top of each movement for maximum results. Pause for two seconds at the top of the contraction, then begin to roll the barbell outward to resume the starting position. Try to complete four sets of five repetitions at the beginning of this exercise if you are performing this exercise for the first time. Then gradually increase your count as your abdominal muscles get stronger.

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      Flutter Kicks Exercise
      Lay face down and position your hips to rest at the edge of the bench. Keep your legs straight with feet raised high off the floor. Your arms should be on the top of the bench and your hands should be holding onto the front of the bench to support the weight of your legs. This will be your starting position. Contract your gluteal muscles and hamstrings, and start the exercise by raising the right leg higher than the left leg. Then proceed to lower the right leg as you raise the left leg. Repeat this movement, alternating from one leg to the other as if you are performing a flutter kick while swimming. Make sure to control your movement and balance when performing this exercise to prevent injury. You should perform an equal amount of repetitions for each leg. About three sets of 10 repetitions should complete this exercise.

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