Dangers of Body Wraps
When you undergo a body wrap, you are bound from chest to legs with elastic bandages. These bandages are sometimes soaked with herbal mixtures, muds or other concoctions advertised to promote weight loss and body detoxification. Once wrapped tightly in these bandages, you are then put into a nylon suit. In some cases, you are urged to begin some form of physical activity. The bottom line is that these non-aerated trappings promote heat and excessive fluid loss, which can result in dehydration. These conditions can also promote heat-related complications from cramping to heat stroke. In serious cases, this severe fluid loss can cause swelling of the brain (cerebral edema).
Hypovolemic Shock
In severe dehydration cases, you can be thrown into what is known as hypovolemic shock. This type of shock results from severe loss of blood or other body fluids. The severe fluid loss generates low blood volume and puts extra stress on the heart, making it unable to properly pump blood throughout the body. Hypovolemic shock is one of the most serious symptoms of severe dehydration. If left untreated, it can cause death in just a few minutes.
Restricted Blood Flow
What people see as "loss of inches" during and after body wraps is usually nothing more than compression of body tissues. The tight bindings of the elastic bandages squeeze the body tissues tightly. This can result in slowing or stopping of capillary blood flow to these tissues. This in turn can result in a shift in the flow of body fluids, forcing them inward. This inward flow of fluids can sometimes surround the internal organs, posing serious health risks.
Economic Repercussions
Body wraps are generally marketed at places like medical spas and specialty weight-loss salons. Services at such establishments are seldom cheap. What's more, any loss of inches that takes place is temporary and usually attributed to water loss. Once the water returns and/or the body tissues decompress, the procedure will have to be repeated, resulting in more expense.