Arimidex For Weight Loss
Find Arimidex
To start using Arimidex you must first find it. The best place to look for it would be on the web. A word of caution; many sites will advertise "Arimidex" but they will actually have the generic form of the drug. Although it my be tempting because of the cost,(the generic will be cheaper) DO NOT BUY the generic form. It does not work nearly as well as the patented drug because it does not have the ability to completely block the production of serum estradiol, the form of estrogen responsible for storing fat and retaining water. Your physician may also be able to help you obtain Arimidex.
Determine Your Dosage
Once you have obtained your tablets, now you need to know how to take them. Depending on your size and weight, dosages will range from 0.5 mg to 3 mg. Depending on how much help you need inhibiting estrogen, tablets are usually taken any where from 2 to 6 times each day, at equal time intervals. For example if you are only taking 2 pills per day you would take them 12 hours apart. Remember that Amiridex is a steroid so you should cycle on and off of it. Typically cycles last for 12 weeks. Some people like to start with a low dosage at the beginning of the cycle, gradually increase the amount, then decrease the dosage towards the end of the cycle. Others take the same dose the whole cycle. After completing a cycle, take 2 months off, then begin another cycle of necessary.
Stack with Other Steroids for Best Results
To obtain the best results, Arimidex should be taken in conjunction with other steroids. As Arimidex is considered to be an anti-estrogen (anti-E) steroid, it should be stacked or taken with metabolic stimulators, such as clenbuterol. It is recommended to stack anti-Es with metabolic stimulators because as your body fat decreases, your metabolism will do the same. So you basically take the stimulator to counter-act the effects of the anti-E on your metabolism.
Speak with your doctor before using any medication for weight loss. Your physician will be able to help you determine the safest and most effective medicine for your body and situation.
Steroid usage for muscle enhancement can become very detrimental to your mental and physical health. Men may experience rage, acne, testicular shrinkage and so on.