How to Lose Weight With Eggplant Water
Things You'll Need
- 1 large eggplant
- Knife
- Medium cooking pot
- Water
- Strainer
- Pitcher
- Lemon or orange peel (optional)
Wash and dry the eggplant thoroughly. Cut the eggplant into small pieces.
Place the eggplant pieces in the medium cooking pot. Fill the pot with water to just below the rim and heat on high until the water reaches boiling. Boil the eggplant for five minutes. Remove the pot from the heat source and let it stand until it has cooled.
Use a strainer to drain the water into a pitcher. Discard or save the eggplant pieces for later use.
Cover the pitcher of eggplant water and store in the refrigerator.
Drink the eggplant water on a daily basis. Four 8-ounce glasses per day are the recommended dosage amounts, although more or less can be consumed depending on personal preference and weight loss results.
Adjust eggplant water intake as needed. Because it acts as a diuretic some dieters will need to take a smaller dose of eggplant water for comfort purposes.