How Much Should a Beginner Exercise to Lose Weight?
A good rule of thumb for beginners exercise is to start with 20 minutes of cardio exercise. It takes 20 minutes of cardio to start the fat-burning process. This could be a treadmill, walking or even swimming. If you become so out of breath that you are unable to talk, you are overexercising. Slow down to a stop, and cease your activity. Make sure not to stop abruptly, but to gradually slow down, so you do not get dizzy or light-headed. Keep that same length of exercise for two to three weeks, exercising at least three times per week. Then increase by five-minute increments each week following. For example, week 1 to 2 (3 if needed) should be 20 minutes, then the next week is 25 minutes, the following is 30 minutes. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, you should aim for four hours of cardio per week. Each workout should be at least 20 to 30 minutes or longer.
After 30 Minutes
Once you have reached 30 minutes in duration, then the next change is to intensity. Increase the pace or the the elevation of your exercise as you are comfortable with the change. As you add more time to your cardio, continue to work on changing intensity levels.
Include Weight Training
Even a beginner's weight-loss program should include a basic weight training program. Alternate upper and lower body, so you do not overtire any muscle. Start with a weight that you can do three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. The last set should be difficult , but still obtainable. If you are struggling, the weight is too heavy. Once three sets become fairly easy, you can increase the amount of weight. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, weight training is an important part of a weight-loss program. Aim for doing the weight training on the same days that you do cardio or at least two to three times each week.