How to Remove Chest Fat
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Healthy diet
- Weights
Reduce caloric intake to shed fat. One pound of body fat = 3,500 calories. In order to lose one pound a week, you must reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories every single day. To lose two pounds, you must reduce caloric intake by 1,000 calories a day. To achieve this, you must have a diet that is nutrient dense and not filled with empty calories. What this means is that fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and high-quality sources of protein must be consumed. Foods such as bananas, strawberries, spinach, cauliflower, oatmeal, skim milk, soy milk, yogurt, tuna, and salmon are all great examples of foods that help you feel satiated and give you the essential nutrients your body needs. Avoid empty calories like candy, pastries, donuts, and other items that are high in calories and sugar, but low in nutrient value.
The initial temptation when weight loss and body fat reduction are sought is to starve yourself. Never do this because the reverse of the desired effect will occur. Once you stop eating, your body hoards calories because it thinks it is in starvation mode and will need every bit of energy it can preserve. It will store anything you consume in the adipose (fat) tissue and slow down your metabolism. The best thing you can do for quick body fat reduction is to eat six small meals a day. This will keep your metabolism revved and allow more calories to be burned as a result.
Increase your water consumption. Like most tissues in the body, fat is comprised mostly of water. If you retain water, you will feel bloated; the solution is to drink water. As in the case of food, if your body continues to receive enough water, it will not retain it. It will flush toxins out of your system, help lubricate joints and muscles, and keep you feeling full. It is recommended you drink a minimum of eight glasses a day, but for optimum body fat loss, drink at least ten.
Use intense exercise to get rid of chest fat as well as other body fat. Cardiovascular exercise is what burns calories the fastest and it should be ramped up for quick fat loss. There are plenty of activities such as running, bicycling, swimming, dancing, and high-impact aerobics that will help burn a ton of calories. In order to achieve fast body fat reduction, try interval training with any one of the aforementioned types of exercise. For example, if you run, do so in an all-out sprint for two minutes, walk two minutes, run two minutes, and repeat cycle for at least 20 minutes or more. If you swim, try swimming as fast as possible to one end of the pool, then rest for two minutes and repeat cycle. These are examples of how you can intensify whatever cardio activity you enjoy the most for optimum fat loss benefit.
Strength train the upper body to lose that chest fat. If you have a gym membership, train your upper body at least three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. If you do not have a gym membership, don't sweat it! You can exercise at home by doing push ups or lifting barbells. If there are no barbells, use something heavy like milk jugs. By complementing your cardiovascular routine with some strength training, it will help to enhance the muscles in your pectoral area once the fat has been shed.