Weight Loss on Progesterone Supplements
As women enter into menopause, they may experience symptoms like thinning hair, mood swings and weight gain. Traditional hormone replacement therapy supplements have been found to be the major contributing factor in the increase of stroke and breast cancer in women, and do not address the weight gain issue. If you find yourself gaining weight even though you haven't changed eating habits, you may want to look into progesterone.-
Alternative to HRT
The aging process, in men and women, includes the slower production of steroid hormones. These hormones, estrogen and testosterone, are usually associated with reproduction, but they also have many other functions in the body. In women, even though estrogen levels decrease, progesterone levels can fall even lower. When estrogen is dominant, whether you are male or female, you may notice hair loss and weight gain in your midsection, and men may develop an enlarged prostate. Progesterone cream, which you can find at your local pharmacy or health food store, can help to normalize your hormones. When your hormones are in balance, your body processes can work more efficiently, including the digestion and metabolism of the food you eat. The normal dosage of progesterone cream is 20 mg USP per 1/4 tsp. Rub the cream into the skin on your abdomen, neck, thighs or the inside of your forearms. Alternate where you apply it to ensure even distribution.
What Else to Do
While progesterone cream can provide more balanced levels of hormones and give you relief from menopausal symptoms including the dreaded "middle age spread," you need to look at your diet to see where you can improve it to give your body all the nutrients it needs for optimum health. When hormone levels are out of balance, even a little, it can affect you in profound ways. The same is true if your diet is lacking in key nutrients, or if you overeat and stress your digestive tract. Especially if you are sensitive to things like corn, sugar, wheat or dairy, your diet can throw your hormones out of balance. If you choose to supplement with progesterone, you should also make sure to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and lean meats. Cut down or avoid caffeine and drink at least two quarts of purified water each day. At least 30 minutes of vigorous activity every day to get your circulation going can go a long way toward helping you burn extra calories, improve your outlook and normalize your hormone levels.