Weight Loss With Kariva
Birth Control, Hormones and Water Weight Gain
Birth control pills like Kariva work to alter a woman's hormone levels. Most contain synthetic hormones like estrogen, estrodiole, desogestrel, progesterone and/or combinations and permutations thereof. The goal is to balance hormone levels to trigger a more normal, shorter menstrual cycle and to prevent pregnancy. Most women gain water weight during their ovulation cycle and by keeping periods regular, birth control pills almost always cause water weight gain for at least five days out of the month.
How Kariva Works
Birth control pills work differently on different women--after all we each have different body chemistry. The two main ingredients in Kariva are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. These two synthetic hormones act on the body to trigger ovulation. Combined with sugar pills and taken on a 28-day cycle, periods stabilize, become regular and shorter, and the risk of pregnancy is significantly reduced.
Exceptions to the Rule
When a woman's hormone levels are changed several things can happen. Changes in mood, depression and other behavioral issues can occur. This is extremely rare, but it can happen. In the case of depression, women usually have a tendency to overeat and not get much exercise, but with emotional euphoria, an increase in appetite may occur but your energy can increase greatly. More energy equals more exercise, which equals weight loss right? Sure, in that way, weight loss with Kariva or other birth control drugs may be accomplished but it has not been proven in studies. Plus, most birth control medication lists weight gain as a potential side effect. Kariva is one of them.
Side Effects to Be Aware Of
As with any birth control, the side effects can be wide and varied. Kariva is no exception. Blood clots, stroke and heart attack are the most common, but others include emotional changes, migraines, numbness, chest pain, nausea, abdominal pain and that's just the tip of the iceberg. It is important to be monitored by a doctor when taking birth control.
What is the Verdict about Kariva and Weight Loss
Overall, weight loss with Kariva, or any other birth control medication, does not work. If you do lose weight, most likely it can be attributed to the side-effects that birth control causes, particularly in relation to hormonal fluctuations. It is not a good idea to take birth control as a means of weight loss, because in most cases, you will gain weight.