How to Get a Slimmer Stomach
Things You'll Need
- Exercise shoes
- Whole-grain food
Straighten your back when you sit and stand. By improving your posture, you improve the muscles in your core region, which surround your stomach muscles. Wherever you are (office, grocery store, or dinner table) you can focus on sitting and standing straight, and pulling your belly button into your spine. Improved posture strengthens stomach muscles.
Stand with your feet apart. Interlock your fingers and extend your arms directly out in front of you, parallel to the ground. Pull your hands, arms and shoulders together to one side of your body (as if dragging an imaginary paddle through the water), and then return your arms to the ground parallel position. The entire time focus on keeping your stomach muscles tight. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions on each side of your body. If needed, hold onto an empty paper towel roll or small stick as your pretend paddle.
Stand with your feet apart. Interlock your fingers and put them behind your head so that your hands cradle the back of your head. In one motion, raise your left knee into the air and lower your right elbow and try to touch your raised left before returning to the starting position. Repeat the motion with the other side, raising your right knee into the air and lowering your left elbow. If you are just beginning exercising, you will not be able to touch your knee to your elbow, which is perfectly normal. While you are performing this exercise, do not push your head or neck down to the ground. Keep looking forward as much as possible. Not only will this prevent a neck injury, but it will also force your abdominal muscles to engage.
Eat more whole grains. According to Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, a respected professor of nutritional sciences at Penn State University, eating whole grains makes it easier for the body to burn fat. Try to eat whole grain breads, pastas and cereals, rather than refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and white sugar.
Reduce fats in your diet. While some monounsaturated fats, such as nuts, seeds and olive oils, have proven health benefits, they are still fats Overeating kind of fat will add pounds, especially to your stomach area. A healthy, balanced diet with whole grains, healthy fats, proteins, fruits and vegetables is key to reducing stomach fat. Never engage in starvation or fad diets, because they are almost always unhealthy for the body. The best option is a moderate and balanced diet.
Engage in cardiovascular exercises. While it is important to target your stomach muscles with specific strengthening exercises, they will not get rid of stomach fat alone. General cardiovascular exercise is essential to losing weight and slimming your stomach. Experts suggest engaging in at least 60 minutes per day of aerobic exercise (brisk walking and running); the more intense your cardiovascular workout, the slimmer your stomach may become.