How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Dieting
Regulate your eating timetable. Set a fixed time to have breakfast,lunch and dinner.
Do not skip meals, simply add value to them. Include fresh fruits and vegetables more often. Do away with large chunks of meat. Try taking lean meat instead.
Add protein to your diet. Consume lots of pulses, lentils and beans.Proteins are the building blocks in a body and tighten and tone your stucture thus doing away with loose fat naturally.
Avoid aereated beverages at all costs. They only add calories to your diet without actually reducing the hunger. Get fresh fruit juices of plain water instead.
Ask your doctor about getting a trimming belt for you.These are worn around places like tummy, thighs and other parts that require slimming.They are usually worn for few hours in the morning or in the night and the fabric used to make these belts causes heat in the body thus 'melting' the body fat.
You can shop for slimming belts in medical shops or even online.
You may also consider buying some weight reduction pills to lose weight faster. You must however beware of the side effects they could produce and it is always safe to use these pills under a doctor's supervision.