Kellogg's Cereal Diet Plan
Design Your Plan
Before you stock up on breakfast cereal design your diet plan to fit your lifestyle. Create a login name and password on the Special K Challenge site. Here you can begin the planning process to design a diet plan that works for you. Choose from four main plans including the Classic, Mix It Up, On-the-Go, and Chocolate Lover's Plan. Once you've decided which plan is best suited to your taste, specify your motivation for taking the Special K Challenge and select a start date.
Select your favorite Kellogg's Special K foods from the list to include cereals, waffles, snack bars, protein water and bars. Based on your selections a customized daily menu is created for you. Save and print your plan so you don't lose data tailored to your diet. You can use the online tips and tools to stay on track. Try challenge-friendly recipes, snack on vanilla crisp cereal bars and sip Special K Strawberry Kiwi protein water. The easy-to-follow plan itemizes your meals for the day, taking the guesswork out of dieting.
Special K Challenge
Eat two Special K cereal meals a day combined with two Special K snacks and a dinner meal of your choosing. Additionally you can have your choice of fruit throughout the day and are encouraged to work out during the two-week program. For the first meal you can enjoy either Special K cereal with 2/3 cup of skim milk or a serving of Special K waffles with 1 oz. light syrup, depending on your chosen Challenge plan. Enjoy a morning snack from your selection of Special K snacks and a small serving of fruit if you're not yet satisfied. For lunch fill up on one of the protein meal bars from your plan. Munch on a chocolate peanut snack bar postlunch, and your last meal of the day is up to you.
Get an early start. According to the Special K nutrition tips on the Kellogg's website, "eating a balanced breakfast within 1 to 1 1/2 hours of waking will get your metabolism going, and help you eat less throughout the day." Kellogg's suggests adding healthy food options to your diet instead of restricting to avoid overindulgence down the road. Take advantage of diet support groups. Kellogg's teamed with Yahoo! Groups to provide a forum of dedicated dieters so you can share success stories, tips and other motivational ideas to push you toward your goal.