Is it Possible to Tighten up the Loose Skin on Your Upper Arms with Exercise?
Weight Loss
Many people diet without strength training, causing an imbalance in the fat-to-muscle ratio. Unless you've lost more than 100 pounds, most "loose skin" is fat that still needs to be lost.
Skin Elasticity
The skin is very elastic. According to natural bodybuilder Tom Venuto, "I've seen and heard of many cases where the skin gradually tightened up, at least partially, after a one- or two-year period where the weight loss was maintained and exercise continued."
Aerobic Exercise
There is no such thing as spot reduction. If you've still got too much fat on your arms, aerobic exercise will burn fat there and elsewhere in the body.
Strength Training
Add strength training to your routine, making sure you get plenty of protein: .75-1 gram per pound of body weight a day.
Bulking and Cutting
Bulking consists of eating more calories than you burn, with plenty of protein and strength training to gain muscle weight. Cutting is the process of losing that same amount of weight but keeping the muscle you just gained and losing fat instead.
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