Byetta for Weight Loss in Non-Diabetics
Positive Effects
In some scientific studies done on diabetics, Byetta helped stabilize their glucose levels and they lost weight. This may be due to the fact that Byetta slows the progression of digested food through the body, making people feel full more quickly. The full feeling helps them eat less at each meal. It also prevents the liver from making excessive glucose and therefore does not promote fat gain.
Negative Effects
Some diabetics who have taken Byetta have reported blurry vision, night sweats, vomiting, nausea and kidney disease. In addition, some patients have reported an infected pancreas that may have been caused by Byetta.
While Byetta may look promising as a potential weight-loss aid, it has not been formally studied in non-diabetics as of 2009 and therefore should only be used in consultation with a doctor.