How to Tone Your Belly and Loose Weight
But how to start loosing weight and getting back to normal body size can be achieved with the basics?
Having an excess body weight often means excess belly fat, a pouch belly. Before starting on a weight loss exercise program, one need to know that a hanging out belly or bulging belly is a sign of fecal accumulation within the colon and starting on a program without clearing out the debris will put unnecessary stress in the colon.
First get a good colon cleanse formula. Take it as long as it is recommended on the bottle. It could be Psyllium Husks or another formula that will specifically state colon cleanse on it. Colon cleansing formulas work to promote fecal masses and debris to get unstuck from the walls of a colon and being carried away and out of the body.
Cleansing your colon is necessary before starting your physical exercise program, unless it is just walking. With a clean colon you can engage easier into crunches and jogging and will produce more weight loss result. -
Also start taking Milk Thistle Supplement as you are cleansing your colon. It will promote further gentle cleansing of your liver that in turn, will further clean out your body of debris.
When you feel that your gut had become smaller, softer and lost some mass and when you know you have produced colon cleansing result, engage into some belly toning exercises. In sitting or laying position, you can do your daily toning by contracting belly muscles inward / as if sucking it into inside of your body /and then, outward / as if you blowing up a balloon /. That exercise is easy to do and it will start toning your muscles to become strong and resistant.
When your muscles will become strong and resistant they will have the capacity to push the ingested food all along the colon and the food will not get stuck to your gut as much if you do stomach exercise on a regular basis. The walls of the colon will become healthier and will result in better absorption of nutrients in the upper part of colon, satisfying your body with ingested food. Also if you have much fecal mass in the colon your colon does not have the ability to be flexible and to push the debris through it, further accumulating more of the mess.
After you have gone through a few weeks of toning your belly muscles you are ready for some serious workout. You can join the gym and start jogging, you can start with belly crunches to further increase muscles of belly. If muscles of your belly strong, they will not accumulate fat on it because it will be all muscle, you will have better digestion, better meal satisfaction and better weight loss result.