How to Get Rid of Some Extra Fat Around My Pectorals
Things You'll Need
- Workout bench
- Dumbbells
Finding the Right Mix
Target your upper pectorals with incline push-ups by elevating both of your feet on a standard workout bench and placing your arms on the floor, shoulder-length apart. Use dumbbells or pushup bars in order to lower your chest as low to the ground as possible. Slowly raise your body to starting position while keeping a straight back.
Target your lower pectorals with decline push-ups by reversing the position. Place your hands on the elevated bench and your feet on the ground. Slowly lower your chest until your lower pectorals touch the cushion. Return to the starting position while keeping your back straight.
Do several narrow-gripped chin-ups with the hands close together in order to isolate different muscle groups. If you have access to a gym, try a few sets of machine pullovers and feel your ribcage tighten. These exercises work the lesser-celebrated muscle groups. The Serratus Anterior group is made up of the narrow, finger-like muscles between the ribs and the scapula. Developing this muscle group will help define the look of the chest, making it appear less flabby.
Define the area around the sternum by doing some dumbbell flies. Lie on the bench with your arms outstretched above you, palms facing inward. Slowly lower the dumbbells to your sides as far as you are able and return to starting position. Flex your chest and hold for two seconds before your next rep.
Eat right, specifically a mix of 20 percent fat, 35 percent protein and 45 percent carbs as recommended by If you regularly work your chest, it's possible that you already have the strength, but need to burn more fat in order to reveal those powerful pectorals. Eating right will help you get "shredded" in a short amount of time. Recommended proteins include grilled chicken and salmon with brown rice and rolled oats as complementary carbohydrates.