How to Stop Fat Storage to Lose Weight
Decreasing Fat Storage to Lose Weight
Write down your diet and nutrition habits. Include the average amount of calories consumed daily, the basic amount of types of food consumed daily (e.g. grains, junk food, meat, vegetables, fruits), and the amount and size of meals consumed daily. By "size of meals," I mean that you should eyeball the size of your meals relative to what people of your height and weight normally eat, and describe whether your meals are small, medium, or large by comparison.
Based on your past eating habits, develop a new diet plan. It should contain fewer calories, consist of at least seven small meals a day, and ensure that caloric intake decreases over each meal throughout the day. Early morning meals should emphasize complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, which provide energy. Later meals should involve greater amounts of fruit and vegetables. All meats should be excluded. The protein gained from meat should be replaced by either cottage cheese, egg whites, or a protein shake (e.g. whey protein), which are leaner and more healthy.
Incorporate an exercise plan that includes cardiovascular exercise and weight-training. Do cardiovascular exercises three days a week and weight training twice a week, with two days for rest. The overall goal is to speed up your metabolism by constantly eating small meals throughout the day. Fat is burned in the short-term with cardiovascular exercise and in the long-term by putting on the muscle mass.
Maintain this new health plan as accurately and for as long as possible. Eating small, healthy meals without exercising will decrease natural fat storage without causing weight loss. And exercising frequently without eating many small meals will encourage weight loss, but will not decrease natural fat storage. Thus, the health plan must be comprehensive and constant to meet the long-term plan of decreasing natural fat storage and causing weight loss.