Detoxification Diets To Lose Weight

Detoxification, or detox, diets can be an effective short-term weight loss strategy, a "cleanse" or a great way to begin a long-term weight-loss regimen. Detoxification diets come in a variety of forms, with mild regimens prescribing the elimination of unhealthy foods and instead focusing on organic fruits, vegetables and meats to more extreme strategies shunning all solid foods and instead focusing on meal replacements.
  1. Things To Consider

    • As with any diet program, there is some risk of nutrient deficiency while trying a new regimen. For this reason, it is important to speak with your doctor before beginning any program, especially fasting. Drastic weight loss--of two pounds per week or more--can lead to nutrient deficiency and can become dangerous. Initial side effects of fasting are usually mild, like headaches, while long-term effects can become more severe and even dangerous and include anemia, low blood sugar and irregular heartbeat.

      Speak with your doctor to find out if taking a supplement is a good way to complement your regimen. Even if you are choosing a "mild" program that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein, it may be difficult to get all of the nutrients that the body requires. Nutritionist Monica Reinagel suggests that taking a multivitamin may be a good way to ensure that your diet is complete. If you are eliminating solid food for a number of days, it is important to re-introduce food gradually, so as to prevent stomach irritation.

      Exercise is an important component of weight loss. Maintaining muscle mass while on a detoxification diet may be difficult, so regular exercise should be a part of your strategy.

    Master Cleanse

    • The Master Cleanse was invented in 1941 and was later popularized by Stanley Burroughs. Burroughs claims that the detox eliminates toxins from the body and can often help people lose weight. The Master Cleanse prescribes drinking 2 liters of lemonade made with lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water daily instead of food. Proponents recommend the cleanse for a minimum of ten days, though some people stay on the plan for considerably longer.

    Liquid Diets

    • Liquid diets are also a popular detox diet that can often lead to weight loss. Some liquid diets promote juices as a supplement to one's diet, while others recommend them and various commercially available powders and liquids as meal replacements. Meal-replacement products, containing various macronutrients, can be bought in regular grocery stores as well as in health-food stores.

    The Fruit Flush Diet

    • The Fruit Flush Diet promotes a three-day fast that focuses on the consumption of fresh fruit, raw vegetables and lean protein like chicken, fish and egg whites. The Fruit Flush Diet also recommends the use of lemons and limes, due to their mildly diuretic properties. The cleanse is based on the idea that fruit--because of its high water content--will eliminate toxins from the body.

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