Hydrolysate & Weight Loss
Hydrolysate is primarily a weight loss supplement that supplies the body with adequate protein. It is a collagen protein formulated and patented by an American pharmacist in the 1970's. It gained popularity among medical practitioners and became a dietary supplement prescribed for weight loss. It is also known to accelerate wound healing, as a dietary supplement for geriatric populations and a treatment for burns. It is also prescribed to enhance the integrity of joints and connective tissues.
Collagen and Weight Loss
The body loses muscle mass gradually as it ages. Muscle loss is replaced with deposition of fats, resulting in a lowered muscle mass ratio. The use of hydrolysate supplement strengthens the muscles and supports the body's capacity to burn fats. It helps promote improved tone and shape of the muscles, warding off the increasing fat depositions in the body. The intake of hydrolysate helps to reduce fat inches as muscles are built with better tone and fat-burning capacity.
According to the medical journal Metabolism, ingestion of hydrolysate is even better compared to carbohydrate. In a study conducted by Mandy Claessens and associates from Masstricht University and Kerry Bio-Science, consumption of hydrolysate beverages, like soy protein hydrolysate (SPH), increases the rate of diet-induced thermogenesis compared to carbohydrate beverage, although both receive the same insulin response. The study further shows that the SPH intake boosts the glucagon response but does not increases the blood glucose.
Nighttime Weight Loss
Hydrolysate intake is very effective during bedtime as the body begins its state of recuperating towards cell regeneration and muscle tissue repair. Hydrolysate's amino acid assists in the body's ability to build leaner muscles. As the muscle mass increases in tone, it has enhanced capacity to accelerate the body's metabolism that efficiently convert fats to energy that sustains the body's repair process.
Hydrolysate contains natural and unique amino acids that offer a self-regulating effect to the body that promotes a well rested sleep if taken before bedtime. Hydrolysate has no direct effect to weight loss but it enhances the body's optimal state in its metabolic process, especially at night, that promotes weight loss.
Other Benefits
Hydrolysate is also effective in healing wounds, improving skin softness, hydration, toning and enhancement of physical features. It is also vital for proper development and quality of hair and nails. Hydrolysate's unique amino acid, hydroxyproline, has a vital role in the growth and development of bone and connective tissue, making it a good supplement for bone care and protection.
Side Effects
No serious side effects have been found to be associated with collagen hydrolysate intake. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicated no harmful side effects from collagen hydrolysate supplement and granted it "Generally Recognized As Safe" status.