Usnic Acid & Weight Loss
Usnic acid is found in over-the-counter weight loss supplements, but no clinical evidence is available justifying its use in this way. Usnic acid is not typically consumed by people, but is used in some cosmetic products. Improper use of usnic acid has been associated with severe medical consequences.
In addition to its unproven weight loss properties, usnic acid has also been associated with other unproven claims. Usnic acid has been researched for use as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, and fever and pain reducer.
According to Mayo Clinic Proceedings, herbal supplement use is relatively popular in the United States. But it may not be a good thing. Herbal and alternative products are not required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to meet the same safety standards as prescription drugs. As a result, their safety may be called into question. Consumers in the United States spend billions of dollars of hard-earned cash every year on these questionable products.
Usnic acid has been associated with severe liver damage (hepatoxicity) when taken as a dietary supplement for the purpose of weight loss. While conclusive evidence is not available as to the exact mechanism of this side effect, researchers published by Mayo Clinic Proceedings note that no other cause of the liver damage could be found in the otherwise healthy patients who had been taking usnic acid for weight loss.
Usnic acid should not be taken before consultation with a physician. The product has not only been associated with liver damage, but can react badly with other products. According to the MSKCC, usnic acid may cause adverse effects when taken in conjunction with blood thinners (anticoagulants) and interfere with the effectiveness of other medications. Application to the skin may cause irritation.
Usnic acid is also present in Kombucha tea, which is used in alternative medicine and has been associated with inflammation of the liver (hepatitis). Kombucha is made from fermented black tea and has not been proven scientifically to be beneficial to the health of humans, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). Kombucha tea may also be labeled as Kargasok tea, Manchurian tea or tea fungus.