A Fast Way to Lose Weight Without Surgery
Exercise Recommendations
The first step is to begin a program of regular exercise, aiming to train at least four or five days a week. Make your goal at least 45 minutes of exercise per day, but start with shorter workouts if your current fitness level makes that an unrealistic. According to buildingbodies.ca, morning cardiovascular exercise performed on an empty stomach (before breakfast) is an excellent way to burn additional fat, as the body is more able to burn fat due to the low levels of blood glucose present after a long fast. The exercise does not have to be intense---something as simple as brisk walking around the neighborhood (at around a 3-mph pace) will help you burn a few hundred extra calories per day. According to the Mayo Clinic, you are more likely to stick to an exercise plan if you write it down, so mark off the days that you exercise to provide a constant visual reminder of how much hard work you are putting in.
Diet Recommendations
Follow a low-carb diet to turn your body into a fat-burning machine. Consume no more than 30g of carbohydrates per day, with that being split evenly across your daily meals. Aim to eat five or six smaller meals spaced out evenly throughout the day (every few hours), with each meal containing a lean protein source, healthy unsaturated fat and a leafy green vegetable (to fulfill your carb total while providing your body with plenty of extra vitamins, minerals and fiber).
According to the Mayo Clinic, the best sources of food for a low-carb diet are those relatively low in saturated fat, so aim to consume low-fat meats such as chicken, turkey and seafood. Quality sources of unsaturated fat include nuts, seeds and oils. A low-carb diet coupled with at least five days per week of morning cardio will help you lose weight quickly without resorting to other extreme measures such as surgery.