Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Weight Loss
Make an appointment with a well-qualified acupuncturist. He will evaluate your eating habits and food issues to make his decision about what pressure points to use. There are a combination of body and ear points that are specifically designated for weight loss. The acupuncturist will stick special needles into these specific pressure points for approximately 30 to 45 seconds. The purpose of these needles is to release endorphins, create a relaxed feeling and help eliminate your urge to overeat.
Accupuncture Treatment Plan
Your acupuncturist will develop a treatment plan that works with your particular goals. The number of visits will depend on how fast and how much weight you wish to lose. You will need treatments approximately twice a week if your weight loss goal is under 10 lbs., and will continue until you have lost the desired weight. Your acupuncturist will suggest daily treatments for the first week if you have severe overeating issues and a lot of weight to lose. After reaching your weight goals, your acupuncturist may suggest treatments four times a year for each change of season.
Digestive Herbs
Take some digestive herbs to help in the weight loss process. Some of these herbs are Metabo Chi, Ultra Fen-Chi, Thermo Slim Chi and Digest Chi. These herbs should improve your digestive system and help it work efficiently. Warm oolong tea can help emulsify fats from your diet. Some herbs to take after meals for digestion are Digest Chi and Metabo Chi. Talk to your health professional before embarking on a weight loss herbal program to make sure the herbs will not interfere with any prescription drugs you take.
Weight Loss Herbs
Take some appetite-suppressing herbs if you find yourself overeating. Some of these herbs are Appetite Suppress Chi, Thermo Slim Chic and Ultra Fen-chi. Along with these appetite suppressants take a good Chinese herbal blood tonic such as Sang Ji Sheng or Chinese Yam. These herbs will aid in hydration and in digestion.
Lifestyle Agenda
Make lifestyle changes while having acupuncture treatments and taking herbal supplements. Eat a high-fiber diet, with dense foods such as fresh produce, whole grains and seafood, while avoiding white sugar and junk food. Learn to eat slowly and enjoy your food. Have a small dinner meal, and wait several hours before going to bed as recommended on Add exercise slowly and increase the time each week to reduce stress, reduce body fat and burn calories as recommended on