How to Prepare for Beginning Optifast
Talk to your physician to make sure that Optifast is a safe option for you. Not everyone is a good candidate for a liquid diet, and your doctor can help you make the right choice.
Review information concerning the potential side effects of Optifast. These include minor effects such as mild, reversible hair loss or lightheadedness. A more serious side effect can be gallstone formation, the result of metabolizing fat. The risk of a gallstone attack is about one in 700.
Decide ahead of time how you want to structure your diet. You can opt for a complete liquid diet or a modified liquid diet, incorporating solid foods at certain times of day.
Set a weight loss goal. You will be more likely to adhere to your diet if you have a goal to work toward.
Decide how long you plan to remain on Optifast. The recommended Optifast plan lasts from 18 to 22 weeks, but the final decision should be yours, made with your doctor.
Plan how to incorporate Optifast into your daily schedule. Optifast shakes are meant to be taken five times daily. Because this is more often than normal meals, you may need to make provisions with your employer to be able to mix and drink your shakes at the appropriate times.
Explain your decision to begin Optifast to your family and ask for their support. Ask that they not tempt you with your favorite foods while you are on the diet and explain how important it is that they provide you with the right emotional support.