Easy Way for a Fat Guy to Lose Weight
Set Goals
First, it is important to determine how much weight you want to lose and to visualize yourself at your goal weight. Then you need to make plans. White knuckling, where you know you have some potato chips in the pantry, for example, and you are trying not to eat them, doesn't work for long. Eventually you are going to give in. Set yourself up for success by removing all the unhealthy food from your home. Do not stop at fast food places, and when you start to lose weight, get rid of your fat clothes.
Motivation works better when you are working toward something positive. Whatever the motivation is for you to lose weight, be it better health, the ability to meet more people, the ability to play sports or to just look good in clothes, use that to motivate you rather than simply moving away from being fat.
It is important to set up a realistic weight loss timeline. Maybe you want to lose one pound a week. Stick with that goal, and in one year's time, you will be 52 pounds lighter. Do not quit if you don't reach your goal for the week. Stick with it and you can get back on track.
Eat Right and Exercise
The FDA has a learning program called Make Your Calories Count. They recommend that you eat a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free milk products, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts. Also, cut down your serving sizes and drink water instead of soda.
Be active, too. Many people become overweight because they eat too much and not active enough. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you eat. Besides eating healthy, do something active at least three days a week for 20 minutes a day. Start by walking and you can gradually increase your level of activity. Do not continue with any exercise program if you start to hurt while exercising or get dizzy.
Enlist Help
Tell someone else about your plans and your goals. If your goal is to lose one pound a week, have someone that you will report your progress to at each weekly weighing. If nobody knows about your plans, you may be more likely to stop trying. The person you report to can become your cheerleader.
Weight loss involves some maturity. Just because you like to indulge in burgers and fries every night and eat ice cream for dessert does not mean that you should do this every night. Control how much you eat and start to pick healthier foods. If you do take away the burgers and fries, you have to replace them with something. Maybe you will find that you like salmon and asparagus. Substitute rather than just taking away. Your taste for carbohydrates and sugars will diminish once you get used to eating healthy food.