How to Order HCG
Decide what type of HCG you want. Two types of HCG are available: medical-grade HCG that can be taken via injection or sublingual drops (under the tongue) and homeopathic HCG. Only a licensed physician or clinic can legally sell you medical-grade HCG; however, you can buy homeopathic HCG from several online vendors (you can purchase it legally without a prescription).
Speak with your physician. Ask her about the different brands of the hormone and discuss the protocol you'd like to start---a typical HCG diet plan lasts for 26 or 43 days. Not every doctor will offer or prescribe HCG, and if your physician doesn't, ask her to recommend a clinic or colleague. As the HCG diet consists of a low-calorie eating plan, you must have a physical before any licensed physician will sell you the medical-grade hormone. If you decide to take homeopathic HCG, research online or local vendors.
Pay for your HCG. Your insurance probably won't cover the cost of the hormone for weight loss, so it will be your responsibility to pay out of pocket. The cost of medical-grade HCG varies by clinic and location; however, it can often be a few hundred dollars. Homeopathic HCG is significantly cheaper and costs anywhere from $20 to $60 for a short protocol.