What to Expect From a Lap Band Adjustment
The gastric band surrounds the stomach. The band has tubing that leads to an access port located under the abdominal skin. Saline solution is used to deflate or inflate the band, depending on your individual needs.
Time Frame
A lap band adjustment takes approximately 10 minutes using either palpation to find the opening of the port or x-ray equipment to guide the needle into the port.
During the lap band adjustment, you will feel a needle prick sensation as your physician withdraws or injects saline solution into your port.
Your lap band will be adjusted in your physician's office if the palpation method is used. The adjustment will be done in a hospital setting if it is adjusted via fluoroscopy.
Adjustments will be necessary on an as needed basis. Adjustments are done if you are not able to eat without vomiting or feeling uncomfortable, eat too much without feeling full, or if you are not losing any weight.