How to Lose Weight by Heat
Things You'll Need
- Sauna suit
Purchase a sauna suit. A sauna suit is like an oversized sweat suit made of vinyl, rubber or polyester. Some suits resemble garbage bags and others look like wind suits. You can find the suits at large department stores or online. The price varies from $15 to $100, depending on the brand. Measure your chest and waist with a tape measure and compare your measurements with the size chart found on the package or online.
Wear the suit. To avoid over exerting yourself, test out the suit in the privacy of your home. Mow your lawn in the suit or wear it during a vigorous cleaning day. According to, most exercisers wear the sauna suit for up to two hours a day, three to five times each week. It is essential to gradually work your way up to frequent use of the suit.
Exercise in the suit. As sauna suits help you shed water weight, you must be prepared to sweat profusely. Don't be afraid to drink water to prevent dehydration. In fact, while exercising in the sauna suit, you should strive to drink additional water.
Monitor your weight. Try weighing yourself every few days while using the suit. According to, wearing a sauna suit should help you lose weight rapidly, and you will want to make sure the outfit is doing its job.
Follow all care and maintenance directions. Care instructions vary by manufacturer so make sure you review the directions suggested for your suit. If your sauna suit rips, purchase a new one. A torn suit will not heat your body, and you will not lose as much weight.