The Lazy Zone Diet
The Lazy Zone Diet is a diet plan that divides your food portions per meal to ensure the best results. There are several rules to follow in this diet plan. The most important rules are to begin each day with a zone meal within the first hour of waking up. Each meal should include the correct portions of protein, carbohydrates and fat. It is important to eat three meals a day and two snacks which will equal five meals a day. You should avoid pasta, bread, grains and starches while implementing more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Water is an essential part of your diet, you should drink 64 ounces of water each day to hydrate your body and flush your system. During the course of this diet if you miss a lazy zone diet meal don't get discouraged you can make it up by making sure your next meals are zone diet meals.
Bad Carbohydrates
With this diet you should be able to continue your daily lifestyle without giving up all the foods that you enjoy. There are no foods that are completely forbidden on the Lazy Zone Diet, it is just important that when eating certain food you consume in moderation. Certain foods and beverages such as potatoes, white flour, white rice, sugar, corn, grapes, carrots bananas, alcohol, sodas, juices and caffeinated drinks should make up no more than 25 percent of any meal.
A typically lazy zone diet breakfast will consist of a omelet using six egg whites which accounts for the 30 percent protein. A side of strawberries and a side of asparagus which will account for the 40 percent carbohydrates. You will sauté the asparagus with two teaspoons of olive oil which will account for the 30 percent fat.
You can have grilled chicken for protein, a side salad using olive oil for dressing, your fat content is found again in the olive oil. You will also have a cup of fruit which will account for your carbohydrates. An afternoon snack will consist of two hard boiled eggs with the yolk out. You can fill the eggs with chickpeas, hummus and olive oil.Dinners may consist of almonds covered salmon, steamed vegetables and a mix of berries for the desert. This also provides you with the correct diet percentages. An evening snack may be made up of a glass of wine, a piece of fruit and one once of soft cheese.