How to Achieve Maximum Weight Loss Results
Drink water instead of soda and excessive fruit juice. Carry a bottle around with you during the day and sip every chance you get.
Cut at least 500 calories a day from your existing diet.
Avoid fried and sugared foods. Replace carbohydrates based on white flour with whole grain choices. Eat more vegetables, fruits and lean proteins such as poultry, fish, nuts, beans and soy products.
Exercise more. The Mayo Clinic recommends about 30 minutes of steady aerobic activity, such as walking, nearly every day. Mayo Clinic experts also note that taking 45- to 60-minute brisk walks four days a week can potentially double weight loss.
Stop eating in the car, in bed, while you are standing up or during activities such as watching television. It is much easier to overeat--and derail maximum weight loss results--when you are not truly conscious of you are eating.
Find emotional support and use it. Support could come from a friend or family member, an exercise buddy or a commercial diet program. Those with serious eating issues may wish to join a support group such as Overeaters Anonymous or GreySheeters Anonymous or even seek psychotherapy.