How to Remove Belly Fat Fast
Cut out soda and replace it with water. If you absolutely cannot live without your pop, limit yourself to one a day. Drinking water will help your body to digest your food better and faster, as well as keep you hydrated and refreshed.
Eat. Starvation diets only frustrate and leave you craving the food your body needs. In addition, your body will begin storing fat if it thinks you are starving it. Staff Sgt. Reed recommends her troops to eat six small meals each day.
Start every morning with breakfast. Eat cereal with skim milk or oatmeal with light yogurt and a piece of fruit. The next day eat an egg, two pieces of toast and a piece of fruit. Alternate so your body doesn't get burned out. Eat raw vegetables for snacks.
Eat a tuna or turkey sandwich on low-calorie bread with a cup of raw carrots or a small salad with light dressing.
Stick to chicken, turkey or fish for dinner. Eat a potato or cup of rice and steamed vegetables. Allow yourself a couple tablespoons of fat every day. By allowing yourself to eat the fat you crave, you will be less likely to have weak moments where you eat everything in sight.
Exercise five days a week. Doing cardio, such as running, can burn body fat fast, especially when you are maintaining healthy eating habits. Do cardio three days a week and strength training the other two days. Old-fashioned crunches and sit-ups are great exercises for flattening tummies and removing belly fat. Another exercise that will burn belly fat is the Russian twist. Sit down, and then slowly raise your legs off the floor so you are balancing on your tail bone with your back and legs each at a 45 degree angle. Clasp your hands in front of you. Slowly move your hands back and forth to both sides of your body, touching the floor on either side of you. Do 40 at first, then work your way up to 60. The fat will melt off and tone your abs all at the same time.
Maintain this exercise regimen until you have met your goal, Then, lessen it to three days a week to maintain your new and healthy figure. Staff Sgt. Reed's program has helped countless airmen meet their personal weight loss goals.