How to Remove & Tone Fat From the Belly & Thighs
Things You'll Need
- Healthy food
Change your dietary habits if they are not conducive to losing weight. This means consuming a balanced diet that's rich in nutrients and low in fat. Eat lots of whole grains as opposed to simple carbs, like pasta and white bread. Add more fruit and vegetables to your diet and consume lots of lean proteins like fish or skinless chicken. Avoid junk food, especially salty foods, because they make the body retain more water. Stay away from cheap fast food that's loaded with fat and calories.
Stay as hydrated as possible. Drink at least eight big glasses of water a day. Water helps maintain optimal physical performance and rids the body of toxins. Stay away from alcohol, especially beer, because it contains many calories and dehydrates the body so you look bloated.
Start exercising on a regular basis. This is crucial when trying to burn fat from your thighs and belly. Even walking around the block a few times every day will increase the amount of calories you burn and help you lose that flab. Find a partner and try jogging, bike riding, hiking, playing basketball, playing tennis, swimming or inline skating. Any exercise is good as long as you're breathing heavily, your heart is pumping and you sweat a little.
Try some basic exercises at home to target the areas you want to tone up. For the belly, a regular routine of crunches, sit-ups, and leg lifts can help tone the muscles below the fat, and sooner or later you'll be able to see them. Don't expect fast results, however. You need to burn a lot of fat over the course of several weeks before you'll be able to show off your new abs at the beach.