Purpose of a Food Inventory Log
Food logs can have a positive impact on how you perceive your daily food intake. Knowing how much food is consumed and the nutritional value for that food increases the awareness of your intake as well as the ability to adjust your future intake.
Along with increasing awareness, a food inventory log also offers motivation. Being able to track and see progress not only assists in weight loss, but it motivates you to stay on track.
Common diets requiring food inventory logs include commercial diets provided by Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. General diets, such as low calorie, low fat and low carbohydrate diets, also succeed with food logs.
Common variables tracked include calories, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and sodium intake. Some food logs, like the one found on Spark People, also include tracking options for the amount of water consumed in a day (see link in Resources).
Examples of popular downloadable software include Nutrinote and software offered through Fit Day and Calorie King. Free online journals are also offered.