The Best Weight Loss Method for Insulin Resistance
Processed Foods
To lose weight effectively to get your insulin resistance under control, eliminate as much processed foods as possible. These foods offer very little nutritional value to your diet and can have a dramatic impact on your blood sugar levels. Foods that are made with refined sugars and white flours must be avoided on a successful weight-loss diet.
Replace breads and products made with these refined foods with natural whole grains. Choose whole-grain bread and rolls instead of white bread, and sweeten foods with fruit juice.
About 40 percent of your total calories should come from carbohydrates. When you are trying to lose weight for insulin resistance, choose complex carbohydrates over simple sugars and carbs. Complex carbohydrate sources include fruits and vegetables. The glycemic index is a good tool to find foods that have a lower impact on your blood sugar levels. Choose foods that do not cause your glucose levels to rise quickly.
Choose lean proteins from fish and skinless chicken to lose weight. Red meat can be included on your weight-loss diet, but it should be kept to a minimum. Proteins do not affect your glucose and insulin, but they do contain saturated fat. Consuming too much saturated fat is not healthy for your heart and increases your calorie count. Protein should make up 30 percent of your total daily calorie count.
Include some healthy fat to lose weight effectively. olive and canola oils are heart-healthy fats. About 30 percent of your calories must come from fat sources. Stay away from trans fats such as hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils. These are typically found in processed foods. Read ingredient labels carefully to find these hidden fats.