Instructions for Self Acupressure for Weight Loss
Acupressure Defined
As part of traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure uses specific points in the body to restore balance. The theory is that three points on the extremities are connected to the brain, which in turn are connected to another part of the body. For example, the area between the thumb and forefinger connects to the brain, and then on to the large intestine. By massaging these points, the area connected to it will be affected.
Acupressure and Weight Loss
Weight loss is usually derailed due to consuming too many calories. Many diets focus on cutting so many calories in order to burn stored fat that it makes you feel hungry and you crave foods that aren't healthy. Using pressure points that stimulate appetite helps you control your food intake. A healthy digestive system is also crucial in keeping your appetite in control. By stimulating pressure points that enable the organs used in digestion, you will feel full faster, and it will help control the amount of food you eat. These are just two of the many areas that play a part in weight loss.
Reflexology Maps
Self-acupressure needs no appointments with a practitioner. This not only saves you time but money as well. First, find reflexology maps of the foot, hand, ear and body. With these four maps, you are ready for self-acupressure. Study them and make sure you are familiar and comfortable reading them.
Pressure Points
For weight loss, you will need to focus on several areas. On the ear map, locate the appetite suppression point. On your body map, find the points for your kidneys, stomach, large intestine, adrenal glands and water retention. The hand map will show you where the great elimination point is. Make sure you can find these areas on your body.
Massaging Pressure Points
Begin your session by giving yourself a slow full massage of both your hands and your feet. Don't rush through this. If you find an area that is tender, look on your map, and determine what part of the body is associated with that area. Hold the area for 30 seconds and then let go. Move on to the specific areas for retaining water, adrenal glands, kidneys, stomach and then large intestine. From there, move on to appetite suppression. Finish the session with the great elimination point. This releases toxins, so be aware of how much pressure you use. Too much pressure might make you feel nauseated.