How to Have Slimmer Cheeks
Eat well, exercise
Start eating a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and natural fats. Don't starve yourself or sacrifice certain food groups. The key is balance and moderation. You must consume fewer calories by eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals but lower in calories.
Avoid junk food, alcohol, and very salty foods. Junk food contains little or no nutritional value, but often is high in calories, salt, chemicals and preservatives. Replace that bag of chips with a bowl of cherries. Staying away from alcohol is another way to cut calories to lose weight and create slimmer cheeks. Plus, you're more likely to slip up and eat that plate of cheesy fries after drinking alcohol. For some people, salty food causes bloating that can add to chubby cheeks.
Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to bloating that might show in the cheeks. Stay away from soft drinks, energy drinks, and sports drinks, whether sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Exercise more. Go for a walk, try gardening, ride a bike, play with some kids, play a game of basketball, or inline skate. Try anything that gets you moving. Even a half-hour walk around the block every day is great for your health and is the first step to slimmer cheeks.