Fastest Way to Cleanse & Lose Weight Without Drugs
Fasting is a time-honored way to cleanse the body of toxins. If you are not eating any food, you are not adding toxins while eliminating the current toxins through your feces. You'll also lose weight, but it will be mostly water weight.
One popular fast is the Master Cleanse, or lemonade diet. In this plan, you drink a special lemonade mixture along with laxative teas to help you eliminate waste. A juice fast or a fruit fast may be a bit easier because it allows you to have more calories. To follow this you only drink juice or eat fruit. You cannot have other foods.
After a fast, it's important to ease yourself back into eating. The day that you go off of the fast, stick to raw fruits and vegetables and gradually re-introduce other healthy foods. This prepares your digestive system for digesting foods again.
Eliminating Junk Foods
You may not need to do something as drastic as a fast in order to cleanse your digestive system. Junk food is a problem for many and it contains a lot of chemicals that your body doesn't really need. By simply eliminating the junk and eating only whole foods that are healthy, your body can detox on its own. Consider eliminating refined carbohydrates---sugar and white flour---as well because these provide little nutrition.
This should have a large impact on your weight. When you stop eating junk food, you reduce the amount of empty calories that you eat. In most cases, this results in a lower overall caloric intake, which leads to weight loss.
Sweating it Out
Sweat is another way to release the toxins in your body. If you have access to a sauna, you can help your body detox by sitting in the sauna every day. Be sure to follow all instructions for the sauna---in most cases, you should be in the sauna less than 20 minutes.
You'll also lose some weight from sweating in a sauna, but this is just water weight and you are likely to regain the weight once you drink more water. You should be sure to do this in conjunction with a healthy eating plan.