How to Burn Fat Instead of Carbs
Things You'll Need
- Pencil
- Paper
- 30 minutes to 1 hour of free time daily
- Internet access
Create a list of three or four enjoyable physical activities which, for you, are moderately intense. This means that performing these activities leaves you short of breath just enough to make your talking sound sporadic but not labored.
Set aside 30 minutes to an hour of time each day when you're likely to have an empty stomach, such as before breakfast or an hour before lunch or dinner, for exercise.
Spend at least 30 minutes, nonstop, each day engaged in one of your listed aerobic activities.
Elevate the intensity of your workout to a level where it's difficult for you to both talk and perform your activity at the same time. Carry on at this pace for at least 30 seconds, but no longer than 1 minute, then resume your original pace. Incorporate two to three of these "sprints" in a 30-minute aerobic workout.
Alternate among your choice exercises either every day or every other day to keep the body challenged by your listed activities.
Create a list of the most common foods in your present diet.
Use the glycemic index (GI) resource at the end of this article to look up the GI value of the foods that make up your diet.
Click on the "GI Database" tab. Go down your list and, one at a time, enter the name of each food in the appropriate search box, then click search. Record the Glycemic Load (GL) for each of your foods.
Review your list. Make a choice to either EXCHANGE those foods on your list with a GL value greater than 54 for a lower GL food that satisfies the same craving; ELIMINATE some or all of those high-GL foods from your diet completely; or to from now on MINIMIZE your intake of some or all of those high-GL foods.