Can I Lose Weight & Quit Smoking at the Same Time?
Often people will gain weight when they quit smoking because they substitute something for a cigarette, like candy, prepackaged snack foods or other fatty foods that are quick and convenient. If you find yourself wanting a cigarette, instead of reaching for a candy bar or bag of chips choose fruit, vegetables or other low-fat snacks such as pretzels, low-fat yogurt or cheese cubes, or nuts.
Alternatively, avoid eating altogether at these times and sip on a glass of water, chew a piece of sugar-free gum, take a quick walk or stretch, or do something to distract yourself. In addition, you should have a support network in place of people you can call when you get a really strong craving to help talk you through it and forget about wanting a cigarette.
Cutting Calories
People who smoke eat more calories, but because of the effects of smoking on metabolism, they are actually more likely to lose weight. Quitting smoking can reverse these metabolic effects, but in order to avoid gaining weight or to lose weight, you will necessarily have to reduce your caloric intake. You should be consuming fewer calories than you burn in order to lose weight effectively, but please note that for this to also be a safe process you should only be losing about 5 lbs. every two weeks. Depending on your current state of health and any health risks you may have, it is best to consult with your physician or a registered dietitian to create a diet and meal plan that will allow you to cut calories safely and effectively while making healthier food choices.
Regular exercise is an integral part of good health, and is also important to weight loss. Choosing to do something physical, even if it is just standing up at your desk and stretching or walking around the office for a couple of minutes, can also help you overcome cravings to smoke. However, because smokers' lungs have a diminished capacity and their cardiovascular systems are often weakened, it is important that you start slowly with low-intensity aerobic exercises (i.e., walking, water aerobics) and work your way up to the moderate-intensity aerobic exercises (i.e., jogging/running, basketball, etc.) that are recommended for good health.
The best way to establish and maintain a regular fitness routine that will help you to achieve good health while losing weight and quitting smoking is to engage the services of a personal trainer or physical therapist, or at least discuss your plans with your physician and get professional input. Because you are trying to do so many things at once, it is important that you take care of your body as a whole and avoid focusing on one thing like weight loss to the detriment of your overall health.
Any major lifestyle change like losing weight or quitting smoking requires support from other people. While you may feel embarrassed or awkward at first, let your family, friends and even trusted co-workers know about what you are trying to do. Not only will this help to keep you accountable to others, but it will also help them to help you. For example, if you and a co-worker normally take cigarette breaks together, letting that person know you're trying to quit can mean he doesn't tempt you by asking you to go on a break and can even inspire him to quit himself. Telling friends that you're trying to lose weight can help you to choose a healthier place to eat next time you have lunch together since they are likely to remind you or ask you about it.
However, sometimes those closest to us simply don't understand when we're trying to make lifestyle changes (especially when they are choosing to continue in unhealthy patterns). Even if you do have support from family and friends, consider joining a quit-smoking support group and/or a weight loss support group. There are even online support groups for both of these issues, if you cannot access these resources where you live.