How to Trigger Fat Burning Hormones
Reduce calories to burn fat. Eat fewer calories than you normally do. A daily calorie shortfall allows the body to respond by drawing on the fat reserves.
Reduce the amount of butter, oils, salad dressings and sauces you eat. Remove the skin from chicken before cooking. Eat fish, especially salmon, more often.
Reduce carbohydrates. Halve your carbohydrate intake by eating smaller portions. Eat portions smaller than 100 grams for two consecutive days every two weeks. Return to slightly larger portions after two days.
Eat moderate amounts of protein and fat because they support vitamin absorption and help manufacture hormones. The thermic effect of food is caused by your body burning more calories when processing protein. Lean meats, fish, egg whites and low-fat cottage cheese are good foods to trigger fat-burning hormones.
Before exercising, eat foods such as oat bran, oatmeal, rye or whole-wheat bread or fruit.
You should eat within an hour after exercising. Combine carbohydrates such as a baked potato or bread with protein and small amounts of fat. This helps to slow down the breakdown and digestion of the carbohydrates.
Eat smaller, more frequent portions. Protein is best for dinner. Chicken breasts and cottage cheese are ideal. Do not eat three to four hours before bedtime.
Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise first thing in the morning. Morning coffee is fine because it will help your body burn more fat. Taking 6 to 10 grams of mixed amino acids or a small amount of whey protein powder mixed in water before drinking the coffee will also help prevent muscle breakdown during cardio exercise workouts.
Drink herbal tea during the day. Mistletoe benefits the whole glandular system and aids metabolism. It also stimulates the pancreas. Mistletoe tea is made as a cold infusion by soaking one heaped teaspoon in a large cup of cold water overnight. Some warm water can be added the following day if a warmer drink is preferred.