Weight Loss Tips Without Pills

Diet pills are marketed as the quick and easy road to weight loss, but the truth is there is no such thing as quick and easy weight loss. It takes times, hard work, discipline and long-term commitment to achieve all weight loss goals. Moreover, most diet pills have no been evaluated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), and thus the claims made by manufacturers are highly suspect. The best weight loss tips without pills are to do some form of exercise regularly and to eat in moderation.
  1. Diet

    • A healthy, balanced diet is one of the key factors in successful weight loss. However, this should not be confused with starving oneself or depriving yourself of the things you love. Nutritionists like Kathleen Goodwin of The Diet Channel recommend eating a favorite food like chocolate or fried chicken in moderation instead of eliminating it entirely from your diet. By eliminating certain foods, you are more likely to feel deprived and binge on unhealthy foods than if you indulge yourself once in a while.

      Another suggestion is to substitute certain foods for others. For example, if you enjoy high-calorie soda drinks, substitute them for their diet, zero-calorie counterparts. Instead of pouring whole milk in your cereal, opt for low-fat milk. This technique will allow you to save a few hundred calories a day without sacrificing some favorites.

      As far as your daily diet is concerned, try to eat vegetables, whole grains and lean meats like turkey and salmon. Work with a doctor or nutritionist for a diet plan that fits your individual needs.


    • Even following the strictest diet may not be enough to lose a significant amount of weight. A moderate amount of exercise will help burn fat, build muscle and give the body an overall toned look. Aerobic, or cardiovascular, exercise is best for maximum weight loss. For the uninitiated, strength training can be difficult and even dangerous. Light aerobic exercise like jogging or brisk walking is both effective and relatively easy to do by people who may have been sedentary for a while.

      Start off slowly by doing at least 30 minutes of some type of aerobic exercise about three times a week. As your body adjusts to the movement and strain, you can either increase the time, intensity or frequency of the exercise. Try to alternate between different types of exercise, like hiking, running and cycling, to keep things interesting so you don't run the risk of quitting due to boredom.

    Other Tips

    • Eat slowly. It takes a few minutes for the brain to register when you are full. If you eat slowly, you will be less likely to overeat, and instead will stop when you're full.

      Make gradual changes instead of diving headfirst into a brand new diet. It can be daunting to start a brand new diet from scratch. Easing into a new diet slowly will make it less difficult

      Drink plenty of water, particularly before every meal. According to Dr. Brenda Davis, a professor of nutrition at Virginia Tech, drinking at least two glasses of water prior to eating breakfast, lunch or dinner helped dieters lose more weight more quickly.

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