Niacin & Weight Loss
Foods Fortified With B-Vitamins
Eat foods that are rich in B-vitamins. Niacin is most effective when combined with other B- vitamins like vitamin B12 and B5. These vitamins strengthen and work in harmony with each other.
Researchers at Harvard Medical School conducted a study that revealed that B-vitamins help the body cope with stress and reduce the incidence of post traumatic stress disorder. Stress can inhibit weight loss because the body responds to stress by producing cortisol and adrenaline. Over time, too much cortisol in the bloodstream can cause the body to hold onto fat, especially around the midsection.
Reducing stress with relaxation and eating foods rich in B-vitamins or taking supplements can be beneficial. Foods that are rich in niacin and other B-vitamins are liver and beef. You will also find vitamin B3 in for sunflower seeds, almonds and brown rice (for a full list of foods high in B-vitamins, see the Resources section of this article).
Stay balanced and be sure to eat raw fruits and vegetables like carrots and broccoli as well.
Take a B-vitamin supplement each day. You can find these supplements at your local health food store or on line.These nutrients are listed as "B-complex" if they contain all of the essential B-vitamins. Be sure to check the label and make sure that niacin is included on the list. Most vitamin supplements contain 50 to 200 mg of niacin per capsule. Follow the recommendations on the label and do not take more than what is required.
Drink eight to 10 glasses of pure water each day. To get the most benefit from a diet rich in B-vitamins, keep your body hydrated. Water transports these energy producing vitamins to the cells where they are needed the most. In addition, water also removes waste from the cells. Excess toxins in the body can make you feel sluggish and tired. Water cleanses the body from the inside out and replenishes fluids lost each day. If you exercise or spend time in the sun, you may need even more water. Avoid drinking tap water as most municipal systems contain chlorine. Chlorine is toxic when ingested and this chemical can lead to urinary tract problems.